Live Chat or Instant Messaging is crucial with today’s must have, want it now culture, being able to chat with your clients/customers at once is one of the best features you can implement for your business, your customers will love the instant support, instant answers of those last minute questions before making a purchase or agreeing to a service.
Who wants to fill out a contact form and then wait 24 hrs for a response? Sure they are great for leaving a quick message but we hear you, you endeavour to reply to all emails in a few hours or 24hrs max. But is that good enough?
In today’s market people expect the answers as they browse, especially with e-commerce, the answer is expected as quick as the page takes to load, that means as near instant as you can get and that means Now!
At Dev VIP we have worked with numerous chat software systems on the market since the first basic chat concepts to the now fully fledged instantaneous messaging systems so we have an extensive knowledge of what makes a good chat system and most importantly, how to get the optimum output from it for the intended use, improved customer support, improved response times plus many more features such as saved replies, custom pop up announcements at the right point on the page that will engage the user.
With 100s of live chat systems out there it can be a minefield but you have our word, you’ll be chatting with your customers in real time.
Chatting with your customers is as simply as texting on an app, even while having a coffee while out on a shopping trip, no need to take calls or reply to emails.
We can integrate any chat system and develop it as you require, however we have preferred systems based on experience and we’re sure you’ll love our suggested system, with great knowledge of custom integrations we can set up rules so you can get notified when you choose. For out of hours, I have various options that can be automatically applied such as auto replies to a fully automated chat bot taking over until you’re back. From kick start companies to fortune 500 companies, I can help you to meet your demands.
Live Chat – Instant Messaging Systems
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